Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Axialis Icon Workshop

Ingin membuat foto menjadi file berextension .ico??? File Ico bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menjadi icon pada USB, hardiski external maupun pada CD....

Create hi-quality icons for all systems: Windows, MacOS, Unix
With IconWorkshop™ make your own icons for Windows®, MacOS® and Unix®. It creates Windows® icons up to 256x256 for Windows Vista™ and Macintosh® icons up to 512x512 for Leopard (MacOS® 10.5). Unix® uses PNG icons. IconWorkshop creates PNG images with alpha channel in a few clicks including from existing Windows® and Mac OS® icons.
The new generation of icons uses variable transparency (alpha channel). This feature permits creating beautiful icons with smooth borders and shadows. You need a professional tool to create such icons. Axialis IconWorkshop™ has been designed with one goal in mind: "Icon Quality".
Enjoy the powerful editor which permits creating the various image formats of an icon from an original drawing without quality loss.
Create, edit icons in Image Strips for toolbars
Axialis IconWorkshop™ is the only icon editor which permits creation and edition of Image Strips for toolbars. If you're a developer, don't struggle with wide bitmaps anymore! Just open them in IconWorkshop and edit each icon separately.
It can read all kinds of Image Strips in BMP and PNG. Transparency is supported in 32 BPP images through Alpha channels and in 24 BPP or less images through a fixed background color.
Icons in image strips can be added, copied, moved and removed. You can also create new image strips from ready-to-use image objects in a few drag & drops. The object pack "Lite Toolbars" permits creating sharp and crisp icons for toolbars.

link to download....

Monday, February 22, 2010


Coba nih, buat tutorial Quark Xpress, sebenarnya hanya tips dan trik... yang mungkin juga sudah banyak yang tahu.
  1. Membuat nomor halaman Ctrl+3, sebaiknya di master page, bisa juga di halaman isi. dan ini enaknya Quark adalah bahwa walaupun kita sudah buat master untuk tiap halaman, namun bila kita masuk ke dalam halaman isi / lay out, ternyata master halaman yang sudah tetap dapat di ubah di setiap halaman lay otu yang ingin kita ubah sesuai kondisi.
  2. Menampilkan Efek untuk Font, terutama untuk Vertikal dan horizontal huruf, Ctrl+Shif+D.
  3. sebentar buka Wuarknya dulu agak lupa apa yang mau ditampuilkan.
  4. F11 untuk membuat Style Sheet.
Banyak kelebihan tetapi juga kekurangan dari Quark Xpress
Kelebihan :
  • Simple dalam pemakaian, tidak terlalu banyak simbol yang digunakan.
  • Bisa dibuat beberapa layers.
  • List info guide banyak.
  • Bila ingin bermain dengan aneka design font sangat terbatas, mungkin hanya perubahan warna, drop shadow.
  • Masih harus menggunakan beberapa aplikasi tambahan / lain (adobe, corel, dll) untuk mempercantik design lay out.
  • QuarkXpress tidak terlalu support dengan XP, jadi mungkin pas diliat tampilan gambar di layar tidak seperti yang asli (design di adobe, corel atau yang lain)
Sementara itu dulu deh.... yang bisa dibagi disini..... lanjut next time...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Do you work in an environment that relies on PDF documents as much as it does on Microsoft Office? If so, you may find it becoming difficult to manage all those file formats. That's when you need to invest in a PDF conversion tool. Try out Nuance's PDF Converter, and you will be very impressed with its ease of use and outstanding accuracy! Nuance PDF Converter Designed for business users, provides everything you need to create, convert, edit PDF files.
Key benefits:
- Create PDF files from virtually any PC application
nstantly create 100% industry-standard PDF files that are fully compliant with other PDF viewers.
- Convert PDF files into fully-formatted documents
convert PDF files into fully formatted Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, XPS, and Corel WordPerfect documents - complete with text, columns, tables and graphics.
Edit directly within PDF files
orrect typos, edit and annotate both text and graphics directly within PDF files.
Fill and save PDF forms with FormTyper
The FormTyper tool lets you convert static PDF forms into fillable PDF forms that you can complete, save, and email.
- Scan directly to PDF
Create PDF files directly from your scanner using industry leading scanning technology.
- Create searchable PDF files
The "auto detect" feature automatically identifies scanned or "image-only" PDF files, and offers to make the file searchable with just a single click.
- Assemble documents
Document Assembly view lets you combine files, remove or replace pages. Even update page numbers just with a push of a button.
- Create PDF Portfolios
Place multiple files, even folders within a single PDF file. Portfolios allow you to effectively organize, share and secure document groups easier than ever before.

Sangat membantu untuk koncert dokumen dari aneka jenis file terutama file pdf ke Ofiice dan juga sebaliknya. Sangat bagus dibandingkan dengan converter yang lain, dimana file hasil konvert tidak menjadi berantakan.... file instalernya kurang lebih 400 MB. 
Link : Nuance
atau kalau mau lihat detailnya bisa liat di sini. bisa didownload per partisi dari storage yang berbeda.


Quark XPress 7 is one of two heavyweights in the desktop publishing software arena; the other is Adobe InDesign. Both programs have diehard fans. And both offer many powerful design and publishing tools, as well as a quirk or two.
Both XPress and InDesign were created for graphic design professionals. InDesign has a less steep learning curve than XPress, but neither program is a good choice for novices. If your publishing needs are routine, or you only occasionally produce publications, then XPress is not likely to be worth the expense or the learning challenge. If you fit the target audience, then XPress offers a number of powerful tools that will give you near-complete control over the final look of your publications.
An improved interface offers a number of customization options. You can group and dock palettes to suit your preferred working style, save palette groupings for specific types of projects and show or hide palette groups with a keyboard command.
In addition to supporting native Adobe Photoshop files, Quark XPress 7 offers a number of new tools, including transparency, drop shadows and other special effects that allow you to manipulate graphics directly within the program.
New typography features provide more precise control over type, including better hyphenation and justification controls.
The new Quark Job Jackets feature ensures that everyone who is working on the same project is using the same specifications, from start to finish. If you create publications for clients, such as a magazine or book publisher, this feature ensures that you work to your client's established specifications.
Improved output options make it easier to output a project in a variety of formats (print, PDF, XML, HTML) and maintain consistency.
Quark XPress 7 offers powerful desktop publishing tools for graphics professionals and aspiring graphics professionals.
Pros: A powerful collection of design and publishing tools, offers many improvements over previous versions, including an improved interface, better color management, improved PDF handling, and better integration with Adobe Photoshop
Cons: Expensive, although several hundred dollars less expensive than it used to be, steep learning curve, demo requires registration

Sayangnya QuarkXpress versi 7 tidak support untuk Windows Vista dan Seven, namun yang baru Quark Xpress Versi 8 sudah suport untuk Windows Seven.

Link : promo  atau ke Quark-nya langsung
Untuk design Buku, Tabloid dan aneka layout yang lain, menurut saya sangat simpel dan mudah dibandingkan dengan software yang lain, mungkin karena biasa kali ya....

Friday, February 12, 2010


Belajar sambil bermain atau mungkin lebih enak di katakan membuat belajar lebih menyenangkan. Ada salah satu program pc games yang mungkin dapat membantu anak mempelajari matematika menjadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan.... MATHS TRAINER di sana ada berbagai fitur untuk membantu Anak mengerti penjumlahan, pengurangan, pembagian, pengenalan bilangan pecahan....
Jadi, belajar matematika tidak harus menjadi sesuatu yang memusingkan karena di olah dengan bantuan sebuah program game yang interaktif dan menyenangkan bagi si Anak.
Jika anda tertarik bisa download dari beberapa blog yang telah memposting game tersebut, maaf saya belum sempat upload, soalnya bandwithnya terbatas... hehehe... hehehehe...